KSV Vending, is Real Customer Service Becoming a Thing of the Past?

3 May 2019

I have spent a number of hours this week attempting to agree the electricity supply contract at KSV  Vending for the coming year. Call a prospective supplier and negotiate firstly a lengthy “sales pitch” welcome and disclaimer recorded message. Then be bamboozled by a choice of up to six options to identify the destination of the call. Cue another long-recorded message and further options before a soothing voice advises that your call is very important and will be answered as soon as possible. Then follows the interminable “lift music” interspersed with further delay apologies and an invitation to contact them online. Eight minutes later the realisation that your call isn’t that important to them after all, and the emailing option is looking the best or possibly only means of contact.

Go to the website, find the contact us link, fill in the message box and contact details and hey presto job done. Two minutes later a reply email pops up in my in-box, very efficient me-thinks anticipating a detailed quotation against the comprehensive information supplied, current provider, contract dates, meter number, annual usage etc, etc. However this is just an automated email thanking me for contacting them and a response “should” be provided in 48 to 72 hours!  Back on the phone, more options, more calls recorded for training and monitoring purposes more assurances that my call is important. Another ten minutes, can I get to speak to a real person? Two chances, fat chance and no chance.

I won’t bore you with the full story of just how time consuming it was to try and get someone to want our electricity business, suffice it put in stark relief that the standards we set ourselves here at KSV Vending are streets, no miles, ahead of many supposed “customer focused” businesses out there.

Ring us and the phone will be answered by a member of our own staff, not a machine and typically in under five seconds. A regular customer? There is a very good chance your voice will be recognised and your call requirement sorted there and then. Emailing us? all our inboxes are constantly monitored and messages actioned immediately. Responses and even quotes in less than five minutes are often the norm for us.

Declining the option to consider an automated phone system from a potential supplier earlier this year was described as “old fashioned” and not “the way forward”. The experiences of mine this week totally vindicates our commitment to fast, professional, knowledgeable and above all personable customer support. Press option 5 if you agree!!!

Written by:  Colin from KSV.

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