Free Flu Jab offered to all KSV Staff.

5 October 2017

Following recent reports of a potential Flu outbreak in the UK, I decided to visit the local Buxted Pharmacy and pay to have a Flu jab.

I was so impressed with the advice and level of service given, not to mention the passion of the pharmacist, to explain how important it can be to get as many people as possible to have the inoculation, and hopefully avoid an epidemic. That I decided immediately upon my return to the office, to offer to pay for anyone in our business that wanted to have the Flu jab.

My main driver for this was for the potential health benefits for my staff, our local community and of course our potentially our customers. I have to say I was surprised and disappointed that as of two weeks later, not a single person has taken up the offer!

Obviously our staff are free to decide whether or not to have the Flu jab, free or otherwise. And of course having the inoculation is no guarantee that you will not catch Flu. However I have always been of the opinion that prevention is better than the cure!

The offer is still available to any member of staff, should they change their minds!

Written by: Richard from KSV.

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